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Dighton Jr. Sr High School

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An image of Mathew Hendricks

Mathew Hendricks

Building Principal
An image of Christal Davis

Christal Davis

Building Secretary
An image of Brian Parks

Brian Parks

Maintenance Director
An image of Beau Hammond

Beau Hammond

History Instructor
An image of Anna Birney

Anna Birney

An image of Jennifer Ebright

Jennifer Ebright

An image of Tristan Haynes

Tristan Haynes

An image of Cyrus Haynes

Cyrus Haynes

An image of Kayla Mullins

Kayla Mullins

An image of Veronica Aldana

Veronica Aldana

An image of Ella Roberts

Ella Roberts

An image of Liberty Nichols

Liberty Nichols

An image of Julia Pate

Julia Pate

An image of Kenneth Simon

Kenneth Simon

An image of Annisa Wilkinson

Annisa Wilkinson